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Following the governor’s notice on 3/23/20, we have been notified that while Marylanders are urged to remain home, Montgomery Pest Control is not required to close as it falls in the category of: building and property maintenance companies, including without limitation plumbers, electricians, HVAC service companies, roofers, environmental services companies, exterminators, arborists, and landscapers. 

In the wake of the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), we wanted to assure you that we are taking the proper precautions to keep our customers and staff of technicians safe and protected.

With everyone’s comfort and safety as our top priority, we have put the following safeguards in place:

  • Employees not feeling well or has been in contact with someone that is not feeling well will stay home from work.
  • As always, our entire staff will continue to thoroughly wash hands in addition to using hand sanitizer and bleach wipes to stay clean and germ-free.
  • Suspending all interior services/treatments until further notice.

As we do our part to keep our staff and customers protected during these times we need your help as well.  If anyone in your household is sick or showing any of the symptoms that are posted on the CDC bulletins, please try to avoid coming in contact with others.

If you need more information about preventative measures to keep COVID-19 from spreading, we highly recommend the information in the CDC (Center for Disease Control) website.

Stay safe & Healthy

Protect Your Home Today!