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Celebrating Our 20th Year In Business

Montgomery Pest Control

Get Rid of Pests for Good


Best Pest Control Services in Montgomery & Anne Arundel County, MD

With more than 25 years of experience in the field, our locally owned and operated company, Montgomery Pest Control, has a team of pest exterminators in Rockville, MD that provide rodent control for mouse infestations. in-depth knowledge, state-of-the-art technology, and the most effective methods to help both homes and businesses in the area deal with a wide range of pest problems.

From crickets, mice and ants to larger rodents and other critters, our rat exterminators and bug control specialists are able to handle all of it. Please give us a call at 410-975-9447 and get your free over-the-phone estimate!

We also don’t charge our customers for any trip or driving fees.

Mice & Rats

Reliable & Trustworthy

Unfortunately, pest problems often come about at the most inconvenient of times. When this happens, do you know where to turn to for help? At Montgomery Pest Control, our pest exterminators serve residents throughout Rockville, MD and its surrounding areas. Whether you have a mouse infestation or need bug control, let us know what your situation is and our pest exterminators will offer reliable and trustworthy home pest control services to resolve your problem.

Customer Satisfaction is Our Top Priority!

Our priority is giving customers the best pest control services that cannot be found anywhere else. We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee because we strive to exceed your expectations. In fact, our company has the recognition to prove how great our services are- we are recipients of Angie’s List Super Service Award! You can rest assured knowing all staff members are licensed and insured to perform the necessary tasks for home pest control and all our work is owner supervised.

Whatever specific pest issue you are dealing with, expect us to quickly identify its source and offer customized solutions that are designed to ensure the same pest stops coming back.

Our Customer Reviews

Contact Us

Montgomery Pest Control

Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday 8:30 AM-5:00 PM
Saturday & Sunday Closed

Montgomery County: 301-740-2407
Anne Arundel County: 410-975-9447

368 Long Meadow Way, Arnold, MD 21012, USA